Humility – 2015.10.14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.2 Chronicles 7:14Our present situation of Christianity is disastrous. Many Christians are involved in all possible problems. Without hesitation we can confirm: Only God is able to show us the way out of this crises.
Humility is the keyword. John the Baptist knew that. He said: He, Jesus, had to become greater, I must become less. He did not put value on appearance as he did not pay attention to that what people were thinking of him. For him only the valuation of God was important. He lived in the desert without any luxury to focus totally on God and to talk with Him. And God honoured him by having compared him with the prophet Elia.
Isaiah wrote about Jesus: "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering."
We should be totally dependant on God. We should obey Him with all our strength and wisdom in total recognition. He is the source of all power and wisdom. Sometimes God makes us small, humble us. He takes away our strength, allows illness, suffering and weakness to seize us. And then He says: "My strengths is in the weak!"
Sometimes He let us fall in sin to destroy our spiritual pride. You wake up one morning and God shows you how unworthy and bad you are. It could be very painful to face this truth. However, He continues speaking: Only I , I alone, can make you holy and pure. Stay in Me and I will live in you!
In this way God humbles us so that we can mature and approach Him gradually. He is the goal of our life. He cleanses us from every secondary. The school of humility is not easy, it challenge our pride and scratches at our self-consciousness. And yet this school is necessary so that we can learn to receive the redemption of Jesus and seek Him with all of our heart and expect our salvation only in Him. He likes to be everything to us.
Thank you, Father, Your destination and ways for me are good! I totally rely on that. You are always there also in difficult situations. Help me to pass the school of humility. Jesus was humble, Moses was it, John and Paul. Yes, Lord, I will be it as well. Take my pride, my self-consciousness and make me dependant on you!
Bible reading – Proverbs 4: 1-27