I am with you — 2015.12.23
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
Always, that means in good and bad days. He, Master of the world, the Lord of Hosts, King of Kings, will be at my side, will accompany me every day.
At the wedding the following question is put: Do you want to love her in good and bad times? And if you really want it, you say yes. You never marry a partner to rule over him or to have pity. You want to love him, to be close together with him. It is a partnership of love! Jesus has decided so. He has chosen us in love and not because He wanted to control us, or had pity. He wants to have partnership in love! He wants to be with us in good and bad days. He wants to be happy with us being always at our side.
Already before birth Jesus said: I am for him or her. I will love them in good and bad times. He has decided that. When we were young we did not know that. We were in search of His love, wanted to be engaged to Him. He has chosen us and we also wish to do so but are not yet able to make a clear decision. He waits until we have a full yes for Him. Then there is a celebration, a glittering party on earth and in heaven. His yes is irrevocable. He is faithful our whole life through. And even death cannot separate us from His love. Sometimes we are not faithful, but He forgives and accepts us. His love never ends.
He is with us until the end of the world. He is everywhere, in America, Africa, India, Australia, Siberia … there is no place where Jesus is not present. He is with us at home, at our work, when we are travelling… He is everywhere!
This powerful Jesus wants to be with us always. What we have to fear? At His mighty hand we are protected from any attacks of people, from the strife of tongues, from misfortune and illness, from the enemy and even from death. Jesus is present always and everywhere and is carrying us through. We have not to fear anything.
Thank You, Jesus, You are present! Even during darkest moments, at the most distant corners of the world you are there. I may cling to You when I need You in bad times. With You I can enjoy the good days. Wonderful to have such a great Lord!
Bible reading today – Roman 15: 1-13