Jesus is King – 2015.08.24
When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen.
Luke 19:37
Joy is where God rules! When Jesus came riding on a donkey into Jerusalem the people put their clothes and palm leafs down on the road. Joy was everywhere because the Messiah and Savior was coming! Later in the Temple there was the same joy. The children shouted: Hosanna the Son of David! The pharisees became became very annoyed because the joy was so strong. But the joy of the Lord can not be silenced.
Joy is should to be dominant in our life and in our Church, that is the way it is supposed to be!
We should not let this joy be smothered with false laws that say how one should behave. We do not listen to the pharisees who made a strict rule book on how to behave. We should not let theological augments push the joy aside. Even sin should not ruin the joy about the salvation. Likewise, we should not give any room to false sorrow or to the deception of wealth. Everything that diminishes joy is not to the praise of God.
Joy is unruly – sometimes people do not know anymore how to express their joy anymore and they start doing the craziest things. Sometimes they lay on the floor and laugh without end. Some dance and jump around. Some others start to cheer and clap their hands. Joy is limitless!
It is good to start our congregations with cheers and a welcome to Jesus. It is awesome, when joy starts to take over the worship. HE is our savior. HE is our stronghold where we find protection and safety. God is our father who takes cake for His children. Should not that be enough for cheering and joy?
Thank You father, You will take everything from us that is weighing down and depressing us. We bring it to You and we brake away from it! Instead, fill us with Your spirit of Joy, of liberty and peace. Thank You, for You are here and You are stronger than everything that wants to inhibit us. We commit ourselves to You, because You are the King who reigns glorious.
Bible reading today: Psalm 116:1-19