Jesus the Savior – 2017.04.24
… and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:21
In this verse God describes Jesus assignment: He will deliver His people from sin. Jesus came for no other reason.
Matthew 1:21
In this verse God describes Jesus assignment: He will deliver His people from sin. Jesus came for no other reason.
Sin is what separates us from God. Sin keeps us from fulfilling our calling, it taints our character so that we aren’t God image anymore. Sin puts us in dependence of the destroyer, the enemy, so we do things that God hates. Sin, the separation from life, distorts the whole human into the bad. Sin let us become joyless, peaceless, loveless, unfriendly, brutal, and egoistic.
The consequence of sin, the separation from God, is death. Today many people live like they are already dead, without goal, fulfillment, or hope. And during judgment those people won’t have an advocate. For God they aren’t there. They didn’t search for Jesus, didn’t turn to Him, they didn’t became His child.
Sin binds the whole human. The sinner isn’t free, but dependent on fate.
The salvation by Jesus is complete. He erases the sin we did in the past, and those we will do today and tomorrow. He pulls us out of our dark ties. He frees our character so we become a little bit more similar to God. He takes care of our body, soul, and spirit. He gives us hope, peace, joy, and love. There is no problem without solution.
In this verse God speaks of His people. Those are the people that turned to Him for help and accepted Him as king.
The Israelites chose God but they still went on their own way. God didn’t forget His promises to the Israelites, so He takes care for them, and someday they will know Jesus, the Messiah. And than they will be the people God wanted them to be.
God doesn’t differentiate between the people of Israel and those of other nations. Jesus became the Messiah for all people. Nobody can look at their heritage and feel better because of it. Gods people are His people regardless where they come from. All Gods promises are for His people. Hallelujah!
Thank You Jesus, for You are the savior! You’ll create a holy, joyful, and loving nation. Thank You, for calling me and saving me from the power of the sin. Thanks for you promises that are true for me as well! You are my Lord and King!
Thank You Jesus, for You are the savior! You’ll create a holy, joyful, and loving nation. Thank You, for calling me and saving me from the power of the sin. Thanks for you promises that are true for me as well! You are my Lord and King!