Joyyful leaps — 2016.02.03
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall.
Malachi 3:20
The sun of righteousness that is our Jesus Christ! He is our righteousness; He puts us right before God, before others, and before ourselves, for He took away from us all blame and wrongness.
In front of the Cross there is a big pile on which many people have thrown their trespasses. Some have taken them back and bear their blame alone again – what a burden! But I, when I am reminded of bad things, I throw them on the pile immediately. It’s then gone and cannot harm me anymore.
It’s Him who has healing in His wings. As little children seek solace on Mama’s lap, so we go to Jesus with all our grief. And we stay with Him until all pain disappears. We do not cry and run away but wait until He has healed us. Sometimes when the violations are very severe the healing progresses slowly. However, He sees us and knows best how to heal us.
We carry on! Each morning we go to work. We will do that with joy and pleasure for our Lord is with us. He carries our burdens and helps us everywhere. Why then we should not leap like calves and go easily through the day? Why we should remain depressed and worried? He is there!
And when a heavy burden is on us, when darkness is in our life since longtime and we are nearly without hope: Then the word of God will come true: He will appear like the sun in the morning, will make us righteous and covers us under His wings. He will heal and deliver us. Then we can leap again and jump with joy! Darkness, captivity, oppression will not last forever. He keeps His word!
Thank You, Jesus! You are the Greatest and Strongest. No chain can bind us, no man can oppress us, for You are there and always have the last word. I will take again Your hand to go with You through the day with joyful leaps as You, my Sun, make me so glad!
Bible reading today – 2 Corinthians 5: 11-21