Lifestile – 2015.11.25
Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God! And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 4-7
What powerful words! What marvelous, fantastic statements about the life of Jesus! There are no difficulties anymore, only victory, gratitude, and joy! Yet we are human beings, struggling with ourselves. However, we want to go the right way and come nearer more and more into the presence of Jesus.
We want to live in joy, in kindness, prayer, and gratitude. That we have decided. If I only look at dirty things in front of me, I am not able to see the sun and cannot thank God for her. No, I want to lift my eyes to see the good and the beautiful that God gives us. And I want to thank Him with all my heart for all that, what He has done for me.
I want to rejoice and not be filled with worries the whole day through. We can exercise it to push away all concerns to have joyful thoughts instead. It is our decision!
We decide whereto we look, in which surroundings we live, with whom we are together. We are influenced by them all. If our friends are grouches we will be it soon as well. If our friends are happy people we will be it too. It is up to me to decide what is important for me. And therefore I am able to decide to pray daily. I can plan a time for prayer and make sure, that nothing is disturbing me, no telephone, etc.
To be kind is my decision. How I will treat people? Do I smile at them or do I consider them all as foreigners who might attack me?
And then it is my decision do have communion with my Jesus the whole day, whether my heart is open for Him always and whether I go with Him at His hand. Yes, there is a lot to decide! You cannot learn all that in five minutes, it is a lifestyle. But the blessing is upon us if we regularly practice this lifestyle. He promises: Peace will govern us beyond all understanding. He is near!
Thank you, Jesus, Your are my best Friend! I want to do it as You say. I do not want to be a grouch, but joyful and thankful. And Your peace should reign in my heart for You are near me.! Thank You, that You have patience with me and help me to fulfill Your Will.
Bible reading today – Roman 3: 21-31