Like a tree — 2015.12.03

Like a tree — 2015.12.03

Blessed is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
does not go on the way of sinners,
does not sit in the seat of scoffers,
but delight is in the law of the Lord,
ponders his law day and night.
He is like a tree,
planted by the rivers of water,
which yields its fruit at the right time
and whose leaf does not wither.
Psalm 1, 1 – 3
Our faith should be a vibrant, lively fellowship with our God. In a community there always is give and take, speaking and hearing, being there one for each other, being concerned for one another. Kindness, trust, love, openness, respect and esteem shape the character of a good relationship.
Dead faith is a one-way street. It is as if someone is sleeping. On Sunday, he wakes up for a few hours, goes to church and then goes back to sleep. In the evening he shuts his eyes for a few minutes, says his bedtime prayer and falls asleep. In the morning he might read a few sentences about God, perhaps even from the Bible, again says his sayings, and goes back to sleep. In the day he is sometimes awakened, if something goes wrong and he shouts: O God, O God! Why do you let that happen?? – And then blissful sleep continues.
He speaks to God, but almost never listens to Him. He sometimes reads God’s word, but has not internalized it. He wants God’s blessing and protection, but not God Himself. A dead faith.
When we want a live faith, we turn to Him. And that is, we turn away from everything that prevents us from having fellowship with God. We reject all bad manipulation through television, movies, journals, internet and friends. We examine our thinking, whether it is pleasing to God, or if we only repeat what everybody says. We want to adapt to God, not to the standards of this fallen world.
And when we turn to God with all our heart, then he turns to us. And if we ask Him to be our Lord, then He is our king, who pays attention to his people, and protects and blesses them. Then we are like trees at the side of the water: evergreen, always well supplied. The fruits ripen by itself, since it does not need a great effort. Because God is our Good Shepherd, our gardener, our guardian, our one and all. He will bless without end; — And where are we?
Thank you, Jesus, you have cleared the way to God! Yes, please, cleanse me from all useless thoughts, and turn my thoughts and my heart completely to God from! Thank You want to bless, and I know I have received a lot about you; … But I want more!
Bible Reading Today: Romans 7, 1 – 6

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