Mark 9, 23
All things are possible for the one who has faith.
Mark 9, 23
As Jesus once came back from praying, His disciples were arguing with a crowd and some teachers of the Law. A man in the crowd said: “I’ve brought my son to your disciples. He is possessed by an evil spirit, who wants to kill him. But your disciples could not expel it.” Now Jesus became angry: O faithless generation! How long shall I be with you? How long must I still stand it? The father asked Him: “If you can, help us, have compassion on us!” Jesus answered: If you can? All things are possible to those who believe! And the father felt that Jesus had read his face and said: “I believe, help my unbelief!” Then Jesus rebuked the evil spirit and ordered him to leave the boy. Since then, the boy was healthy.
It seems to be exactly as it was then: Faith is missing. We are all Christians and believe that the Bible tells the truth about God and Jesus. But in our everyday life we often do not act the way He wants it. Faith is missing! We are looking for all possible causes to explain why something happens or does not happen. The only one we don’t really count on, is God. We rather worry and seek for help everywhere while making our finite minds to the scale of our thoughts, actions and beliefs. O faithless generation! Whether Jesus would say these words to us?
Faith can not be created by yourself, it is a gift and an effect of the Holy Spirit . If I spend a lot of time with Him faith and trust are growing in me. When I talk to Him about concrete situations and difficulties, the Spirit shows me God’s sight and I can bravely pray – because I know what God wants. Then I can often praise the Lord and thank Him in advance because I know He will do it! – And He does it indeed!
Thank You, Jesus, You’re not God in some distant worlds, but here with me! With You I can constantly talk and have fellowship. With You all things are possible! As You are the Lord above all else! You always have the final, decisive word! Yes, You are the God, whom my soul loves.