Mercy – 2015.04.05
At one time you were not God’s people, but now you are his people; at one time you did not know God’s mercy, but now you have received his mercy.
1 Peter 2, 10
How great is the mercy of God! He had mercy on me when He saw: He cannot make it on his own. He pulled me out of the swirl, from the doom and from the separation from God. He saw my heart longing for peace and a meaning in life. He did not mind my mistakes and sins, but took pity on me without any precondition and pulled me to him. Yes, now I belong to the people of God, now I have found mercy!
And it was God not enough to "only save me", but He has plans which are much bigger! In verse 9 we read: “But you are the chosen race, the King’s priests, the holy nation, God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light.” God’s mercy is not a short term thing, but an eternal, irrevocable event. When He once has said "Yes", it is an eternal, immutable "Yes". When He took pity on me, it was His decision for ever and ever. Just as the darkness has ruled previously, His light reigns now. He has a wonderful destination for me and you! We are supposed to be His holy, chosen people. We should are priests for others, who stand up for them before God. We are called to proclaim His wonderful deeds so that even more people will find mercy! God considers us as valuable. He calls us diamonds and gemstones. He sees us as worthy bride for His Son Jesus. Certainly we are not worth it, it only is His mercy, His enormous love for us.
Thank you, Jesus , You have paved me the way to God! Because of You I am a child of God and belong to the chosen, sacred and purified people of God! I am Your property, Your possession that you have expensively purchased at the cross. I’m so much worth for You and should even be Your bride! How much You love me! How great is Your mercy! Yes, You are the God whom I can entrust myself without restrictions!
Biblereading today: Psalm 60, 1 – 14