My Home – 2015.02.10
Jesus says:
"Don’t be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me. My Father’s house has room to spare. If that weren’t the case, would I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you?"
John 14:1f
Jesus wants to be together with each of us. That’s why he goes to the Father, to prepare a place for us. Then he comes back and takes us to Him, so we are together forever. He longs for us! In His presence it will be glorious. There harmony prevails, deep peace, unspeakable joy and light do reign. All are one in oneself, connected with each other in heartfelt love. Death, disease, suffering, all the evil is gone. He knows all His children by name, takes them in His arms and heals all wounds. Everyone has his own place there and his own room where he’s really at home.
In heaven we will have a nice apartment, like we always longed for. But even here Jesus will take care of us and give us a room. Psalm 84 speaks of it.
Here in our apartment Jesus shall be the Lord. He will design and furnish it. There shall be an oasis of peace, a fountain for tired, thirsty and exhausted people. A real home for us! There we will draw strength and spend time with Him.
Our heart only gets quiet when we are safe in His heart. Then we are really at home. Even if we are travelling or living in a foreign land, Jesus is there and gives us this deep feeling of security. Where He is, there is our home.
Thank you, Jesus, I find rest in You. With You together my thoughts and feelings come to rest. Where You are, I feel at home.