My Home — 2016.02.04
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things!
Colossians 3: 1f.
This morning I’m sitting in my kitchen and feel sorry for myself. Outside it is stormy and raining, it’s dark, the children are in the dark on the road to school, and I live in a foreign country whose language I am learning with difficulty and find difficult to understand … Then comes self-pity and certain sadness.
But there someone gives me this word into my thoughts: Strive for what is in the heaven! Yes, I no longer have a home here. Some time ago I was back where I grew up, but everything has changed, there I do not feel at home. My Lord Jesus speaks to me: I have a home in heaven, where He is and governs. It’s nice there! There are hills and mountains, forests and lakes, there are rivers and the sea with a white sandy beach. There, everything is full of music, even the birds sing. And I’m lying in the dunes looking out to sea and rest. He is with me. We chat a little – it is enough that we are together. Yes, there is my home! That is my aim! To be with Him and remain in His peace and glory.
And He reminds me of the many people who are travelling. They have lost their homes, living in foreign countries, not knowing the language, may feel lonely and lost …the Heavenly Father says: I want to be close to them and give them a home! They do not wander aimlessly, they are not alone, feeling helpless and lonely. I am there for them!
We want to strive for Him, our Lord who loves us infinitely. We want to go in His ways and steer without detours to the goal: Our home. Only in Him our heart really comes to rest. With Him is the fulfilment of all desire.
Thank you, Jesus, you are there! YOU take me by the hand and we walk the path together. Nowhere am I lonely and alone. You have a magnificent destination for me, You yourself are my everything!
Bible Reading Today: 2 Corinthians 6: 1 – 10 englisch german russian lithuanian