My Shepherd – 2015.03.04

My Shepherd – 2015.03.04

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Psalm 23:1
This morning I thought about all damages I suffered. Some of my things had been stolen. Often people lied and deceived me. It costed me quite a lot of money, time and energy. It got dark inside me when I recalled all theses displeasing things. More and more my thoughts and finally my emotions became negative. No, stopp! I don´t want that!
I turned to God and ask for His opinion and beseeched Him to take away all my ill feelings and thoughts. Please no thought of revenge and no self-pity on the other side! I need a new heart from You as only bad and wicked things are coming out of my old one. And God is hearing and answering my prayer in following psalm: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He questioned : Didnt I take care about you always? Didnt I give you everything what you needed? Didn`t I repair all the damages? Even in the presence of your enemies I prepared a table richly before you. Also I led you beside quiet waters.
I made you lie down in green pastures. I restored your soal, guided you in path of righteousness, and was at your side also in the valley of the shaddow. You need not to fear any desaster for I am with you. I comforted you with trust and courage. Surely goodness and love will follow you all the days of your life and you will dwell in My House forever.
Yes, Lord I will reply: You are always there, always caring for me. You repaired all damages. How wonderful that I know You!
Thank you, Jesus, You are my Shephard. You really care for me. Even in midst of heavy storms I am safe in You. Yes, I am totally depending on you, You are my trust. With You I need to fear no evil. How precious it is to know You!
Bible reading today: 1 John 4: 1-21

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