My Worries – 2015.03.20
Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
What do we long for more than for a carefree life! By this we mean no worries about money and livelihood, no worries regarding the apartment, a secure job, a good upbringing of the kids, health does not make any problems … in short, it’s all fine.
But there will hardly be anyone who has such perfect circumstances of life. And even if it were so, thoughts would come up again and again, "what if …", or "maybe …". It is as if our thinking is attuned to problems.
There is no rest: What if the savings bank goes bankrupt, if I get cancer tomorrow, if my children have an accident, if the concern goes bankrupt … Our thoughts are constantly circling to these "maybe – situations". God does not want that. He wants to give us real peace.
He advises us: Leave all your worries with me, because I care for you.
He wants me to do it myself. I am supposed to say goodbye to my "maybe – thinking" and leave these things, that are likely to cause problems, to Him. And I am supposed to say goodbye to my anxieties, perhaps this or that will happen… This is not easy! This is to be practiced! Whenever I catch myself that I think back on problems, then I start to praise Him and to focus my thoughts to Him: He is the Lord who takes good care of me! This should be my decision.
And when I’m in a difficult situation, I want to hold on to His promise: He is my Lord, who is also there for me in this situation and who cares for me.
Thank you, Heavenly Father, that You take all my worries and care for me! Yes, You take care of me and I can take everything from Your hand. Together with You hand in hand, I can go through difficult problems – Because You’re there and take care of me!
Bible reading today: 2 Peter 1, 1 – 11