New Hope, new Power! – 2017.03.12

New Hope, new Power! – 2017.03.12

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Yes, so it is with those people who put their trust totally in Jesus: Their strength is renewed, they fly like eagles, they run tirelessly… . How great it is to follow Jesus!
Who, however, follow ones own ideas will soon be stressed, irritated and easily get tired. You only receive the power of the Lord when you are inspired by Him and follow His ideas.
The secret is: Stay in contact with Him! Then the juice can flow into the vine, the branches will bear fruits and the weariness will disappear. Of course we have to rest and ask the Lord for new power but we never will give up, will lose our hope, get weary.
Again, if you follow your way, you will run into a dead end sooner or later. If you try to achieve something without Jesus you will fail and get tired. Only with Him you will rejoice and accomplish the tasks which the Lord has given you.
If you note that you are tired and weary you better should check whether you follow God
s will. Am I in steady contact with Jesus? He is able to strengthen me like the electricity the battery pack. Also today you can put things right with Jesus and carry on in the power of His words. Then you will receive in midst of the desert the heavenly Manna bread.
Yes, Lord, I want to follow You and reach the goal which You give me. I want to go in Your strength and not rush forward without You. Let the juice of the vine, the power of the Holy Spirit flow in me. You give us faith and hope which make us happy. We ask for Your piece which is higher than all reason. Yes, together with You all is possible!
And for all of you who are in the midst of daily care whether at work with its duties, whether in the kitchen, even in the church , please do not forget the Lord is offering you above hiding place. He cares for you, will fill you with the Spirit of Joy so that you will not get weary. No hope, no joy! Cast all your anxiety on Him and thank Him in advance that He cares for you. Yes, you may be happy inmidst of the daily stress. He always is at our side! He has a plan with us and will not let us live without a purpose. So all your daily duties you may do them with  joy.
Yes, Lord, You know that sometimes I do my daily work with displeasure. However, I now will look at You, will do happily my work together with You. I will follow You, want to be inspired by Your joy.

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