No condemnation – 2015.11.20
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,
Romans 8:1
Hallelujah! God made me free! He send Jesus to bear my sins, now the sins are gone and exterminated. Now I can not be charged, convicted, or condemned by anyone.
Sometimes I remember stupid mistakes. And I notice how feelings of guilt start growing. But Jesus doesn’t want this to happen! He reminds me that all sin has been taken away. If I agree to it and start to praise Him His Spirit will work within me and I will start believing that my sins are forgiven and that I am free. Now I don’t want to think about those old stories anymore, because when I do guild and condemnation will rule again.
Sometimes others will remind me of my failures. But then I can turn to the Lord and He will ensure me, it is over. It is forgiven and forgotten.
From time to time the devil will have some fun with me and he remembers me of all my wrongdoings. He rubs my nose into it and asks if I am sure that I am a christian, surely Jesus couldn’t use someone like me. But the enemy is a liar and I don’t want to listen to Him but to the word of Jesus. I can trust the word of Jesus.
The note of debt that bound us is teared up and erased since Jesus died on the cross. As long as we are with Jesus Christ there is no condemnation anymore! If God doesn’t judge us, who are we to do so anyway? We are not allowed to condemn others as well. Instead we should praise Jesus and glorify God for the wonderful redemption and deliverance! This thankfulness will turn our focus away from our sins towards Jesus and we will gain freedom and joy. The Spirit of the Lord is changing our heart if we praise Jesus and we will believe truly.
Yes Jesus I want to praise You because You saved me! I can’t be condemned by nothing and no one, not even by myself. You own me. You live within me and You make me happy, free, and joyful. It’s great that You are with me!!
Bible reading today: Romans 1,1-17