No more Fear!! – 2015-06-27
The wicked flee, though no one pursues him,
the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 18: 1
The boys were amazed when they realized that I really was able to walk through the woods at night, without fear. Then I knew just how much Jesus had changed me and freed me. It’s just a little thing, but still a great sign of change.
When I thought about it, I remembered how it had been before. I could not go past the morgue. I often dreamed badly that someone was following me and chasing me. I was afraid of big, noisy people. After television films I could not go to bed. The dark forest scared me. I would not go to the cemetery. And there was more, much more, that made me afraid. Perhaps I have no more money tomorrow? Maybe I would be bancrupt? Perhaps the children will have an accident? Maybe I have cancer? …. These many "maybes" made my life difficult. I often developed a fear of what may come. But Jesus gave liberation, so very quietly, step by step. Sometimes I realize I do not have those fears that other people have. Then I am very happy! For where Jesus reigns, there is freedom from this oppressive yoke.
If we follow him, he takes away the fear. Sometimes in an instant and sometimes it is a process that runs slowly, step by step. And again and again the question is: Do I want to put myself in this new fear, or I trust him? There are often setbacks and backward steps, but the right direction prevails! He has patience and gives us a second chance and a third chance. In his hands I can walk safely!
I think of Psalm 23: When I have to walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil; because you’re there …
Thank you, Jesus, that you remodel me! You took away my fear and when they come back, I can quickly come to you. You hold me securely. In your hands I can walk safely!
Bible Reading Today: Luke 11: 33-54