Our body – 2015.04.26

Our body – 2015.04.26

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithfull and He will do it.1 Thessalonians 5:23Many christians have an ambivalent attitude towards the body. On the one side they condemn their body, on the other side they cherish and maintain same. One consider the body to be a vessel of sin which should be suppressed and despised. And again they care for it by taking medications; they are worried about their health and life. Furthermore they dress and decorate themselves often exactly in the image what the advertising prescribes them. In fact, God wishes that we care about our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. He wishes that His Temple is pure, clean, holy, beautiful and strong. He Himself is keeping our body blameless. He highly values our body. And we should do the same. We regularly should eat and drink. We should take care of our outer appearance to please Him. When our body is ill we may pray for healing.A study proves that people who pray have a better resistance against illness. They are sick less often. Another study demonstrated that the death rate and the number of complications of heart surgeries considerably dropped when others prayed for them. God wants health! Yet He sometimes allows thickness to come and even death. It is His decision which we have to accept in trust that He always will give us the best. We therefore may put the end of our life in His hands with confidence as Elisa did. God is Lord of life and death.Therefore we should put ourselves under the protection of the Lord, entrust Him our body asking Him to care about it and rest in cheerful senerity without fear. He is Lord!
Thank you, Jesus, Your are Lord! You have control over my health and desease. Life and death are in Your Hand. With you I may go through life peacefully. Please forgive me when I treat my body incorrectly. Repair what I do wrong. My body is a temple of Your Spirit!
Bible reading: Psalm 78: 1-16

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