Our daily struggle – 2019.12.12
Fight the good fight of faith!
1 Timothy 6:12
We receive salvation and redemption free of charge and as a gift. For the price is so high that we could never pay it. Jesus paid it.
But how does our faith develop? This is our task, and God is happy to help us.
First come the doubts. Is it really true that God has forgiven my guilt? I still sin! The enemy knows what a person thinks because he has thousands of years of experience with us. That is why it is always the same: Doubt. Should God have said that you are forgiven? Yes, then why do you still sin? Why are you not faithful? Aren’t you a real Christian? Don’t you love Jesus at all? – So he tells us thoughts that will take hold if we allow them to.
We can fight there! For the Word of God says quite clearly: If you confess your sin, He is faithful and just and forgives. 1 John 1:9
If you have passed this test in faith in God’s Word and believe in forgiveness, the next test comes: HE cannot love me. – Cling to the Word of God again! Read 1 Corinthians 13 and hold on to it. Believe it with your will, and your feelings will follow slowly. The Holy Spirit puts the right faith in your heart and gives peace to your restless heart.
Again and again there is a new reason to believe and to fight for it. Again and again the enemy begins to make us mad and doubt God’s word. I have been a Christian for many years now, but it is still a struggle.
The best thing for me is to flee to prayer and the Bible. The verses that are important to me are underlined or painted red. They speak to me and in me faith and certainty grow again. And in my prayer language I pray before myself, so that the Holy Spirit works in me and builds up my faith. So I can pass temptations and trials, even if it sometimes lasts a few days. My faith is a constant struggle for this certainty, a struggle against myself, my laziness, my bad mood, my depression, simply against my old self. I must make an effort to hold on to Jesus and to be one with Him.
And the fellowship with the brothers and sisters is an invaluable help! They encourage me!
Thank You Jesus, for Your help in my daily struggle. You are there, how good!!