Our faith in the crisis – 2020.04.21
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
This article is about concrete faith. What was the use of Abraham believing in God but not setting out on his journey? If Noah believed but did not build an ark? Faith always has a concrete effect, otherwise it is just an opinion about God and the world.
And in this Corona crisis, how does our faith work there?
Is it so that my faith gives me peace and quiet, strength and hope? Can I rely on God for my work or business? Do I feel locked up and grumble and grumble or can I use the time wisely? What about illness and death, have I cleared these things up for myself?
You notice that even in this crisis our faith must give concrete answers for me and others, otherwise it is not faith. Faith is my deepest conviction and not an opinion or teaching to believe in. Does my faith withstand the strain?
Think of Job when the devil wanted to test his faith. Job was in a bad way then! But God rescued him from all his troubles and highly honored him. His faith has stood the test of time.
So did people who were in camps because of their faith, in Hitler’s time or under Stalin. Their faith was their strength and carried them through.
Stephen was stoned to death because of his faith. But Jesus carried him through and took him to heaven; – he had seen the Saviour and was completely filled with Him when he died.
Because of our faith, God acts. He first causes faith to work in us, and then He acts when we begin to believe.
Be courageous and go ahead! Concrete faith proves itself!
If you are not sure what God wants, ask Him and read His Word. And listen carefully to what is going on in your heart, whether God is developing faith in you for a cause.
We don’t need a Hallelujah Christianity where a person makes an effort to develop faith himself and then still has to fight to believe in it himself, and also has to persuade God to send the fulfilment. No, our faith must go much, much deeper, effected by God, towards Him and always concrete.
Thank You Jesus, You give me the trust! Yes, I believe You!