Our life house
“Everybody who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise builder who built a house on bedrock.”
Matthew 7, 24
Our God is a living, acting, practical God. He is not content with that the faith in Him is logically packed into articles and paragraphs. It may be good to know a lot about God, but if you don’t know Him and don’t live with Him, it’s completely useless. He is an acting God! Faith is, to let Him work practically in your own life. A faith which remains theoretically, is only one of many opinions about God. We want to build our life house on Him, the living rock! Jesus’ teaching about God was more of a narration, how our heavenly Father is. He told many parables to describe God’s nature. And through His acting He constantly showed the greatness of God’s mercy and how He is engaging in our lives.
When Jesus finished these words, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he was teaching them like someone with authority and not like their legal experts. (V. 28f) Jesus always acts practically! When He finished the sermon, He climbed down from the mountain. A man with a skin disease came, knelt down before Him, and said, “Lord, if you want, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched him, saying, “I do want to. Become clean.”
So shall be our faith: Our life house shall be built on the living rock, Jesus. Then no storm or tempest can harm it. Our faith should be an acting faith; – Because of Him we do this and that. Our faith relies on the fact that Jesus intervenes and confirms His Word.
Thank You, Jesus, you are here today! You stand by my side and take part in my life. You are helping me and care for me. With You I can talk about everything. How good that You are not a God who is sitting on the throne somewhere far away, just observing everything. No, You are my loving and caring God who is right beside me – I love You!