Patient, long-suffering,kind, merciful – 2015.07.26

Patient, long-suffering,kind, merciful – 2015.07.26

A man`s wisdom gives him patience;
it is to his glory to overlook an offense.
We do not talk about parents who overlook faults of their children and who do not lead them to the right behaviour. Neither we like to point at governments who allow corruption and let their ministers enrich themselves by accepting bribes.We also have not the employers in mind who do not correct the mistakes of their workers.
The interaction between adult humans in the communitiy, in the family, in state and the church, etc should be checked. It is wise not to make a great fuss out of every error, to complain about them repeatedly and to expose others. We always should keep in mind that we make mistakes ourselves.
We do not feel comfortable in the presence of people who blame us for every little mistake, or who insinuate us bad intentions. However, we feel safe when people overlook our mistakes, when they accept us as we are, when they trust us and see our good sides, our abilities and do not leave us because of our mistakes and cancel the contact. God has trained such persons with His long-suffering, patience, kindness, and mercy. They are living by His grace and learnt to meet others accordingly.
Yes, the Lord has forgiven me. He who has created me is fully accepting, trusting, and using me. He puts hope in me, reveals things to me. He can handle my weaknesses which all are known to Him. He is good with me. He leads me with love, is not forcing me, protects me with care, corrects me silently with empathy. It is glorious to have such a Friend!
We want to be such friends for others and not judge them by their thoughts and deeds. We want to support, to build them up instead with the love of God. We, ourselves, want to live in humility. We stand firm for the Lord is keeping us. We are not dependent on the compliments and admirations of others for the Lord is loving us.

Thank you, Father in heaven, You are close at my side. You allmighty, holy God offer me your friendship although I am an insignificant, faulty, little man. Not for ever you will blame me for my sins; You forgive and forget instead. You say yes to me. Where I do I find such a wonderful God as You.

Bible reading today – Luke 23: 44-56

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