Perfect salvation – 2016.07.04
If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.
1. John 1:10 – 2:2
The complete and utter forgiveness that Jesus accomplished on the cross is amazing! My sin from today, the past, and the future are atoned for! Not only my sins but those of everyone – of whom I love and whom that I dislike – all the sin is forgiven! Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice and He liberates us from all evil, the sin and everything that separates us from God. Perfect is the title that describes everything!
But still, we Christians often have problems believing it. Some think they don’t sin while others think their sin is too large to be forgiven. And there are those that pray for forgiveness but aren’t willing to forgive others. Its’ bad with us Christians.
Jesus new you are going to sin again when He called you and accepted you. Still, He wants you and called for you. His has high hopes for you, that’s why He washes you clean every morning and forgets about yesterday. Today is a new day – full of forgiveness, mercy, and closeness to God!
Isn’t it nice to know that Jesus is sitting at Gods right hand while advocating for us? Every time the enemy comes and accuses us God looks to Jesus and Jesus says that that debt is already been paid on the cross. This way the fair judge doesn’t find us guilty and we are free! And the Accuser has to leave empty handed.
How lucky are we to have such a savior?
Please, let us not suffer from a bad conscience over past things. Jesus has payed that dept already. In case we haven’t done so already, we need to ask for forgiveness and Jesus has taken care of it. We don’t need to remind us again and again of the sin! It’s over. We need to fix the damage but we don’t need to wallow in our memories so we can have a bad conscience. Jesus, help us!
We need to forgive those that hurt us like Jesus does. Even if it is hard sometimes, it needs to happen because it is Jesus’s will. But He doesn’t want us to think about tings long past. He wants the one that hurt us to be free, just as free as we are. Because we all need salvation.
Thank You Jesus, for the perfect and complete salvation! It includes everything! It’s nice to know that my sin is gone and I don’t want to think about it ever again. You will help me forgive others, even if it is hard for me. Help us to gain peace!
Bible reading today: James 1:19-27