Praise, a sword against all viruses – 2020.04.22
May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands…
Psalms 149:6
Sing to the Lord a new song. His praise be in the assembly of His faithful people. Rejoice in your Maker, be glad in your King. For the Lord takes delight in His people. Let his faithful people rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds. May the praise of God be in their mouths and a doubled-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron (freely quoted as per psalms 149).
Praise brings us close to God. The more intensely He is praised the stronger His presence is. This fills the hearts of the Christian community with thanks, strengthens their praise so that they are protected against all evil. Their praise is binding all satanic power, is against rulers and authorities of this dark world.
I am reminded in this moment of a film from the ancient Rome where horrible persecution of Christians took place. These Christians, however, praised God so deeply and heartily that death lost all its terrifying power. It even moved some spectators to jump into the arena just to get to the Father. This is how Christianity defeated the Roman Empire.
In the same way the Coronavirus will be overcome! Through praise which comes from the heart.
I see the coronavirus like a great hot air balloon which easily can be destroyed when a good praise tears a small whole in it. Only a dirty small piece then remains. With this picture great peace is in my heart when I pray over this virus. Yes, Jesus is and remains to be my Lord! In His hands I am safe. Praise and thanks to Him!
Thank You, Jesus, in Your name this virus is defeated! I praise You for that. You are the Stronger, You are almighty, full of mercy and wisdom, love, power and strength! How soothing that You are there!