Prayer community – 2020.02.14
Where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them. – So says Jesus.
Matthew 18:20
And HE promises: Everything that two of you ask for together on earth, they will receive from my heavenly Father. – A great promise! We should use it more!
The Psalms say: It is lovely when brothers live together in unity. – Yes, there must be harmony and spiritual unity between brothers, otherwise the enemy, the accuser of the brothers, who spreads lies and sows discord, will rule. Only in unity are we strong, living together in peace, without reproach, without pride and without quarrelling about the true doctrine. Humility is called for and a loving mutual service.
Today I was in a small prayer meeting. The people were very different and they certainly did not have the same opinion about everything. But they had the love of Jesus in them and they loved each other as Jesus loved them. There was power in the room! Yes, God is enthroned above our praise, there is His throne of mercy! So we could also pray for other people and I think God hears these prayers.
This closeness of God is wonderful. HE is our peace, and at this prayer fellowship, the peace of God was tangible. Sometimes there is great joy in the prayer meeting, sometimes peace. There is always praise and worship. I love being near God – everything else becomes very small.
To pray alone is nice. But to pray in a harmonious community is much, much nicer. That is where strength is released, where joy arises, where the inclination to sin itself becomes weak, where one sees Jesus and feels His loving and powerful presence.
Strange, we Christians have the strongest weapons, and yet we use them so rarely. How we could change the world for the good if we came together in harmony and to pray together!
Thank You Jesus, You are here! Very, very close to us. Whether we are in church or at home, You are there. You carry us through until we reach our goal. Thank You for the brothers and sisters, thank You for Your closeness, Your strength, Your peace!