Reconciliation – 2017.12.14

Reconciliation – 2017.12.14

We ask in the name of Jesus:
Be reconciled with God!
2. Corinthians 5:19
There are such horribly bitter people, so hard-hearted, so insensitive, so horrible, so ugly people! It’s better when they are far away from us but worse when it’s someone of our family friends or work! One longs for reconciliation! But it’s much more worse when one is caught up in this bitterness and can no longer find the way to reconciliation. Then one remains alone until death “redeems” us.
Because quarrels, bitterness, separation and so much so terribly burden us, God asks us (God, the mighty LORD, asks us, HE does not command us!!! astonishing!!): let yourselves be reconciled! When one is reconciled with God through Jesus,
then one can also reconcile oneself with other people, then peace can fill the heart.
Jesus crossed out all the accusations of God against us, even 2000 years ago. Back then he knew of us and said: Yes, for the guilt of Frank and your guilt I will die and pay. – Yes, my guilt and your guilt is expiated; from God’s side, nothing stands in the way of reconciliation.
It’s up to us to find peace with God. He wants to give us the handshake of reconciliation – but do we believe it? Or do we always imagine how God accuses and judges us? Do we like to remember our mistakes and failures? Or do we throw everything unto Jesus and the forgiveness?
Once Jesus said: If you do not become like the children, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. Little children are so impetuous, so cheerful, so playful, so – I can’t list it all. They only trust. They do believe in the love and that mum and dad will protect them even if they did something wrong.
Let’s become like the Children of God! Our heavenly father likes to forgive. He loves. He is patiently, gentle, humble, kind and merciful.
Let yourself be reconciled with Him through the cross of Jesus!
Thank you Jesus! You are so wonderful! You reconciled me with God and now I can find peace. Now I have to “only” reconcile with myself, the others and fate, but this is easier because I know you now! Help me please!

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