Security in God – 2015.09.16
I will lie down and sleep in piece,
for You alone, O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8
Jesus was totally secure in God. He knew that: He is fully secure in God`s hands. Nothing could harm Him. All evil which hit Him was under control of God. God had confidence in Him.
Once He was with His disciples on the way in an open boat. The enemy caused a mighty storm which severely frightened the disciples. Only the Master remained calm and continued sleeping. He knew He would reach the other shore safely as God wanted to send Him to this place. The disciples waked up Jesus and shouted in panic: We are sinking!
With one word Jesus calmed the storm and exhorted His disciples: Ye of little faith!
Just like Jesus we want to be: totally secure in God. Just as He endured everything hunger, thirst, heat, cold, even illness, pain, weakness and death, so we want to do it as well. God has confidence in us that we follow Jesus in this way. He will strengthen our faith and will not forsake us.
We are never alone in our misery. God carefully watches over us. He does not allow it, that the enemy is triumphing. It could be that it takes long time until His help is coming ( for us it is always too long). But definitely the help is coming! As God is Lord and Father of His children He never betrays us, never forget us, and never forsakes us.
Thank you, Father, You never let me alone! I am always in your almighty Hand. Even if I feel bad and have all reason to worry , You are still Lord of all having the last word! Thank you for Your care!! – today I newly put my trust in You.
Bible reading today – Psalm 127: 1-5