Self-Condemnation – 2015.06.14
For I know the plans I have for you – declares the Lord -plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.Jeremia 29:11
Then you will call on me and come to pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me will all your heart I will be found by you, declares the Lord (V. 12f).
God knows all our thoughts and is aware how often we accuse and condemn ourselves. He sees into our heart and perceives our inner torments. He likes to lead us out of these damnations.We are simply not that what we like to be. We are reading in the bible how good a Christian should be, and realize at the same time that it still lacks much before we are saints. We read: A Christian is kind, friendly, patient, loving, happy, full of piece – yet the reality is often different. We are not patient enough, not loving at all, and definitely there is a lack of heavenly piece. Terrible!God likes to exchange our thoughts and plans with His ones. How marvelous that will be. He sees us as precious stones purified by the blood of Jesus. He calls His children precious diadem. The highest is to be His prince and princess. Yes, He has unlimited good thoughts, thoughts of piece and not of accusation! His plans for us are so good, plans of hope and future! He forgets what we had been yesterday, where we came from. He is loving us unconditionally. Again, He wants to give His children hope and future. He wants to release us from the prison of accusation and self-condemnation, to bring us to the light of hope.It is not easy to overcome the power of self-condemnation. It takes some time before the new thinking of God fills us. Please have patience with yourself. Have faith and exercise each day this hopeful thinking. Learn it to see you as Gods does it, or do you believe that you do it better than the almighty God?The longing for more holiness and perfection is good. We then will not get lazy and self-satisfied. However, we always should take care to live in forgiveness as God forgives us steadily. He has great, great patience with His children.
Thank you, Jesus, that you have redeemed me. You set me free from self-condemnation. You forgave me and I will do it too. You have good thoughts, hopes, a future for me so I will have them as well. Please put them all into my heart!
Bible reading today: Psalm 139