Sins and sins … – 2020.06.01
You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the
depths of the sea.
Micah 7, 19
I have noticed that people make distinctions between sins. There is unintentional sin, which is more of an oversight, and there are intentional sins, which are very serious.
There are the gross sins like stealing, murdering, deceiving, lying, cussing and cursing, cheating and bad talk about others = character assassination.
Then there are the somewhat unspecific, not so demonstrable sins such as envy, pride, selfishness, bitterness, unkindness, etc. They take place in our hearts and in our thinking.
Then there are the emotional sins like anger and bad imagination and anti-sympathy to the point of hatred.
We sometimes catch ourselves in serious sins. We never thought we were still capable of such things and yet we did. So a world breaks down for us, because we thought we were already a little bit pious. And then such a relapse … we find it hard to ask for forgiveness and to accept it.
We forgive many sins because we are so predisposed or circumstances demanded it or our history is the reason for it. God’s Spirit has to do a lot of convincing for us to repent. We just do not see them.
Some people think that if they harm their body, for example through nicotine, they sin. And what about sugar, antibiotics, coffee, lack of exercise and all the other unhealthy things? Some like to drink a beer in the evening, others think every drop of alcohol is a sin…
What is sin, what is ok, who is right? Many questions arise.
God does not distinguish between sins. Sin is sin. That is why it is so good that the verse says: All sins! Yes, all must be forgiven, even those I am not aware of. How good it is that Jesus thinks of all and did not forget one when He paid for the sin on the cross. He has forgiven all and sunk them into the depths of the sea; – and there is a sign: Fishing is forbidden.
Thank You Jesus, You have forgiven me ALL my sins! Even the deliberate, the gross, the worst and the most hidden! Thank You, Your love and patience is infinite. You have set me free. Help me to give You glory and not to remain in sin!