Sir, have mercy!
When they returned to the crowd, a man came to Jesus, knelt before him, and said, “Sir, have mercy on my son!” … Jesus gave a command to the demon, and it went out of the boy, and at that very moment he was healed.
Matthew 17, 15.18
The father was quite desperate. His son was lunatic and had to suffer severely. Again and again he fell into the fire or into the water. Behind it was an evil spirit who wanted to destroy the boy. But how good that Jesus is the stronger one! How well that Jesus is full of compassion! He is the Lord and not the evil!
There are people who seem as if they want to destroy themselves. They pay no attention to their health, risking a lot, have terrible habits and addictions, as if her life had no value. Again and again they are involved in serious accidents. Often they even try to take her own life. This bent for self-destruction is much more than “stupid habits.” Somehow there is a curse on life; it seems impossible to break through. There seems to be a NO to these people; they feel unwanted, rejected, unloved, misunderstood, worthless, useless. But nevertheless Jesus is the Lord, the saviour!
God’s Spirit will give us knowledge about the hidden causes. Sometimes the ancestors have sinned and therefore the evil one has a right to torment the descendants. Sometimes other people have done much evil to him. Sometimes he himself has done bad things and thereby invited the darkness. But Jesus wants to give us wisdom and discernment so that we can eliminate the causes and become free. Of course, a lot of prayer and time is required. But He wants to prove that he is the LORD, even over such “hopeless” cases! Jesus basically says YES to us. He has hope for us, where everything seems to be in vain. He has promised: “Because you are devoted to me, I’ll rescue you. I’ll protect you because you know my name.” (Psalms 91:14). He will save and redeem you, too, because you are so much worth to Him.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your liberation! You are the Lord, who does not know hopeless cases! That’s why I cling to You and ask You to be my Lord! Only You shall reign in my life! You shall be my king who determines everything. Please, reveal all the hidden things that make my life hard and heal me!