Sowing and Reaping – 2015.01.20

Sowing and Reaping – 2015.01.20

Isaac sowed crops in that land, and that year he harvested a hundred times as much as he had sown, because the Lord blessed him.
Genesis 26:12

God blesses our work and effort when we do it together with Him. When we listen to Him and do His works, we can expect His blessing. Jesus says: Without me you can do nothing. Surely we can do many things without Jesus and manage our day, but it will not remain forever; it is not registered in the book of life. What we do with Jesus, will remain forever.
If we strive to become more like Jesus, God will bless our efforts. If we try to do the things described in the Bible, then He will bless us. If we want to be close to Him and want to live with Him, so He is close to us. He blesses it, when we strive after what He wants.
If we sow the seeds of mercy, He will make it grow; – Because it is His will. If we fight for reconciliation, so He is on our side.
God wants us to strive after His kingdom and His will with all our strength, all our mind and soul. He has laid the foundation and we only need to walk in His ways. But not negligent and tepid, but with all our strength, fully focused on the goal: Jesus. There’s a lot we cannot achieve because it is not in our power. But we can align our hearts completely to Jesus and follow Him. That’s all we can.
Isaac only had to sow, the Lord gave the growth. What is probably more difficult? Thus we only need to sow the seeds in our own hearts and in the hearts of others.
The land upon which we sow should be clean. Weeds and stones should be removed. Let us purify our heart of everything superfluous!
The country needs rain and fertilizer. Let’s fill our hearts with the spirit of God and His Word.
If we sow so, God will certainly give fruit; – He is not stingy, but we will harvest a hundred times as much as we have sown!
Thank you, Jesus, my efforts are not in vain! There are no dead rituals or senseless prayer formulas. You are the living God who hears my prayer to help me and bless my efforts. I want to see You more, follow You with all my heart and be close to You. Thank You, You hear my prayer!

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