Stairway – 2017.12.11
He (Jacob) had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the Lord, and he said: “I am the Lord, ….“
Genesis 28, 12-13
It is impossible for people to know God; – HE is just too big. We can know that there is a God and Creator but we can’t embrace Him, we can’t really understand His creation. That’s why there is this stairway of heaven! If God didn’t come to us we still would be in lack of knowledge and in darkness.
This stairway is a way of blessings. The angels are ascending and descending and bring to us blessings and riches from God. When they go to heaven they bring our prayers to God and take our guilt away. This is real stairway of heaven!
This stairway is a way to the heaven. Jesus says in New Testament: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Yes, Jesus is this way, this stairway! HE carries everything.
HE is the way to heavenly blessing. Joy, peace, mercy and grace, wisdom, support and health are heavenly riches which HE brings us. And HE takes guilt away on His cross.
We want to use this stairway of heaven all the time! We want to utilize the riches which HE has for us and to let Him to carry our fails away as soon as possible! We want to bring our prayers to Him with full trust and want to be joyful and satisfied with His mercy. We want to have more angels and heavenly messengers on earth helping us to bring the gospel to people. HE says: Peace on earth! – and we want to do it for HIM with all our strength.
Thank you, Jesus, the way to the heaven is open! You yourself became the way to God. It is so good that You carry our fails away completely and bring our prayers to heavenly Father. They are heard! It is so good that You want to pour out heavenly riches on us in abundance! Yes, I want accept them and to trust on Your rich mercy.