Temptation – 2015.08.17
Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.
Luke 22:31-32
It is normal for our faith to be tested. God allows us to be tested to our limits. But He promised He will not leave us. He holds us firm and save in his strong hand.
Jesus is our advocate. He sits to the right of the Father on the throne and He looks after His children. He puts in a good word for His children. He is ready to send his angels for protection. He does not keep count on our faults and our sins, but refers to the cross, on which He died for our sins. This way, the accuser does not have a chance.
Sometimes it seems God has left us. We do not notice Him or his workings: no comfort, no peace, and no joy. There is just a waste emptiness. Thoughts and feelings act up like crazy and we just do not know what to believe. There is just that constantly turning "Why?" in our mind. A horrible condition! But Jesus is here and He prays for us. He himself experienced this feeling of despair, this loneliness, and this feeling, as if everything is falling apart. He understands our situation. This is why He is the perfect advocate for us. He knows our limits. He promises: There will be an end, and than, you will be stronger than before! You will be close committed to me! And my strength can work through you! Than you can fulfill your purpose and be a blessing upon others.
God does not allow temptation without reason. We do not know His mind and He seems to be hard and heartless. But His ways with us is always good and right – we will notice it in the end.
Thanks you, Jesus, You will not leave me in my darkest hour. I know, You are here, even if I do not notice Your presence and I do not feel love, joy, comfort, or peace. You are the Lord! The lord over my circumstances as well! Only You will bring everything to an good end.
Bible reading today: Psalm 110:1-7