The Call I. – 2015.11.08
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called! Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world…
1. Corinthians 1: 26f
Some Christians want to fly high. They speak of great callings and tasks to which God seemed to have appointed them. Yet, we Christians all have a call from God. I like to name it "general call". There are also special callings which refer to a single act, or to a whole life: God calls us to a particular work, or He has a task for us.First, God calls us out of the darkness of the world, even if everything is so dazzling and glittering there.He begins to form us in His image. We are called to be light, to have peace, communion with Jesus, to live in His kingdom, to be healed and much more. We are called to witness Him through words and deeds. In the New Testament there are many calls, which God has for each of us. When someone accepts Jesus God often shows Him how he could serve Jesus. Often a special calling is given. But in the beginning you normally start with simple tasks as working with children or so. Slowly we pursue this way to win experience. And then the time comes when God personally calls us to serve Him, gives us a concrete work to do. So it was with Josua. As a servant of Moses he had learned to lead and to listen to God with passion. Moses had formed Josua, So when Moses died God could ask Josua to take the promised land.God sent an angel to him, a commander of the army of the Lord to strengthen him to win the battle. Josua relied on God and was victorious. However, in the beginning God had repeatedly encouraged him: Do not worry, be strong!
Thank You, Jesus, You know me well. You created me to be a blessing. Form me according to Your will, send me wherever You want. I belong to You!
Bible reading today – Proverbs 21: 1-31