The Cross – 2020.04.12
Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering…
He was pierced for our transgression, was crushed for our iniquities.
The punishment that brought us peace was on Him,
and by His wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:4f
Isaiah was a prophet who lives about 700 years before Jesus. He made many prophecies about the Messiah. The prophecy as per Isaiah 53 is rather difficult to be understood by the Jews who often ignore these sentences. For us Christians, however, these words are the fundament of our faith, a witness of Gods love through His Son Jesus who died on the cross to save us.
s sleep. How God loves us! Look at the Cross and you will understand that.
This crucifiction was announced in Psalm 22 about 1000 years before Jesus was born. The Bible is the only book which gives us such exact prophecies. Nowhere else you will find such precise announcements, in no other religion.
Jesus had made a complete exchange: His righteousness for our injustice, His health for our sickness, His blessing for our curse, His eternal life for our limited one. He defeated death, we are free. He was damned that we no longer have to be damned by God. He bore all our sufferings, pain, tortures so that we are healed. Where is such a God who makes such an exchange? A fool is who refuses this exchange!
Jesus died so that we can live. As the Spirit of God came over Jesus at baptism, so it should be with us. His Spirit heals our soal from bad memories, mental injuries that have been inflicted on us, from feelings of guilt. His Spirit frees us from dark bondage, from panic and fear, from all worries, gives us a good night
Thank You, Jesus, that You died for me, You took my death upon You, atoned for my guilt. Will I ever fully understand that? It is your unlimited love which did that all. Thank You for this love which is higher than all heavens.