The Curse – 2015.05.24
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.Galatians 3:13All men are under a curse because they once had rebelled against God. This curse means great desaster upon the whole earth. It is the reason of natural disasters, diseases, death, war, and famine. People become murderers, liars and thieves. Corruption and injustice flurish. No political or economical system is able to overcome and abolish this evil. Only Jesus and His grace can save!Some people think they are under a curse. They feel that every misfortune hits them. This feeling is the result of the curse which lies over the people. However, Christ has defeated the curse and also the curse in us if we cling tightly to Him.Sometimes people are cursed by others. That could have consequences as satan is not hesitating to do evil promptly. The only rescue in this situation is under Christ`s umbrella of grace.A computer programm is only working when it had been activated. The protection of Jesus is only effective if we have asked for same.If we have the impression to be cursed we should forgive and break the curse immediately in the name of Jesus. We do not curse back but bless instead. This is the will of Jesus. There are for instance the curse of death, disease, unemployment, failure, poverty, childlessness and many more. I name them in this way. Other might consider and handle them differently. By breaking curses and through forgiving we could avoid much harm and heal instead. Jesus gives us wisdom to perceive curses which have been put on us or our neigbour provided we ask him for that intensively. Of course you have to watch out to stand on the ground of facts. We will clearly see whether our our prayers had been effective and the situation is improving. We are learning steadily to deal better with such problems. Jesus has released us from curse. We want to take this gift for us to fight for the freedom. Only in Him we are victorious not through empty rules, words or rituals. The faith makes the difference. God likes to listen to prayers spoken in faith. He does not pay attention so much on forms. He wishes to bless and to protect. Today and forever we want to place us under His safeguard to ask for His blessings and to go happily through the day. He is Lord!
Thank you, Jesus, you have redeemed me. You became a curse for me so that the curse will not hit me any longer. You take away from me all sin, so that the enemy has no reason to attack me. Yes, you are the Lord who overcame the curse and the enemy. I want to live in Your grace.
Bible reading today: Lukas 1: 1-25