The God of Fire – 2018.06.30

The God of Fire – 2018.06.30

On that mountain, Moses saw the angle of the LORD in a burning bush. Moses saw a bush that was burning without being destroyed.
Exodus 3, 2
Moses was in the desert herding his father-in-law’s sheep – sheep herding for forty years….. bad for a prince! But God had patience with him, and HE formed him in this desert time. Now God was with him at his destination and showed himself in the bush and called Moses to liberate the people of Israel.
The LORD was in the thorn bush, no…. He was in the fire burning in the bush. God is fire! In many passages of the Bible we read that God is fire, that HE sends fire, that His Word is like fire.
When God takes possession of you, it is like fire; – everything dishonest burns away. It cleans you of all dirt. It fills you with warmth and courage, with strength and determination. The fire of God is good!!
When God throws fire on the earth, it is either judgment, as with Sodom and Gomorrah, or it is the fire of faith and revival, as in Indonesia or Wales or with the Jesus People.
How will God’s fire get to you? You want to stand the purifying bonfire? And then receive the fire of enthusiasm and joy?
Do you want to burn everything that gets in the way of the LORD, whether it’s dirt or something generally accepted? Sin or good deeds? Everything can be an obstacle for Jesus; – the good is the enemy of the best!
Do you want the fire of the Holy Spirit? Then you will burn for Jesus. It will not burn you like the bush did not burn; – do not be afraid of Him and His work!
Do as Moses did, go into the desert, into loneliness, go where no man disturbs you. Pour out your heart to the LORD and leave it to Him. Tell Him your request again and again: O LORD, I will be yours, I will be at your disposal, for I love you, only you. Please, fill me with the fire of faith and the Holy Spirit! Please, clean me! Please, use me!
And then wait until the Lord fills you and sends you. He’ll do it.
Yes Jesus, Your fire is good! It burns everything that is not good enough and it burns in me for You alone! My honor is nothing, but You shall have all honor! For You are the Savior, the Good Shepherd, the wonderful King of Peace, the Redeemer and Deliverer, wonderful Counselor… o Lord, You are everything to me!

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