The guards on the wall – 2020.10.03
On your walls, o Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest!
Jesaja 62, 6
Jesaja 62, 6
Actually, the talk is of Jerusalem, the city of peace. God calls people to pray for this city until He brings it back to honor. But we may freely apply this verse to our intercession. For we too are like watchmen on the walls that guard the city. We guard our relatives, our colleagues and friends, our brothers and sisters in the church, even the state and the cities. We are the army of the LORD, who will do great things through our prayer; – the watchmen of the LORD.
We may remind Him of our people and those whom He has put on our hearts as a burden. HE Himself wants us to pray! His hands are tied, because He has left the earth to man. Only when He is asked can He become active. And that is why we pray and ask not only for Jerusalem, our church and congregation, but for everything that He puts on our hearts.
At first it was hard work for me. I made long lists with hundreds of names. But I did not hold out for long. Then I divided the people into 7 sections, for Monday, for Tuesday etc. But even that did not last long. It was well-meant, but boring work.
Now I pray when the Lord shows me something. And I am thrilled. HE also shows me what He feels for the people or what plans He has or where they need deliverance. The results are such that I have a desire to pray, to fight for prayer. Sometimes praying once doesn’t get you through, it takes a long time. But the Lord has always won, if I pray the way He wants me to.
Of course the language of prayer is my “secret weapon”. It helps me to know whether I am praying “aggressively” against something or whether I can already pray the praise when the prayer is done. There are thoughts where the problems might be hidden, there are answers from God.
Unfortunately, there is no automatism in it and there are no guarantees as to how it will turn out. But one thing is always certain: God blesses because we pray for others. We want to use this source of blessing more and more, and pray unconstrained, when doing the dishes, driving the car, milking, mowing the lawn, chopping wood, everywhere we can, we can talk loudly or quietly to the LORD. Wonderful!
Thank You, Jesus, You hear prayer!!!!!