The Law – 2015.02.02
Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
As a young Christian, I had a lot of trouble because I was not the Christian I had imagined. I had made my own ideas about the law and failed. That was a bad condition! The law of Christ is completely different. I just did not understand it. Then I read in the Bible of the many, many rules that God had given His people Israel. Since I was quite hopeless. Then, in the community, there were many laws about how a Christian has to be and what he may not do. Plus many unwritten rules. I did my best, but it was not enough. But then God took pity on me and showed me how to get it right. If I remain in Christ, I can not steal from my brother because I love him. I can not kill the neighbor whom God loves. I can not lie, because I love God. And can not cheat when I love my wife. All these laws I fulfill if I stay in Christ. And much more besides: The faith that is active in love, does his neighbor no wrong, but just all the best. And that I’m doing all right, God put the Holy Spirit in my heart. He wants to guide me in everything and I will let me lead by Him. Now my sin is no longer in not keeping a law, but in to have not listened enough to the Spirit of God who speaks to me through the Bible and is working in my heart. I need to search for God and live in Christ, so that I can do the will of God.
Thank you, Jesus, for redeeming me from the curse of the law! Help me, that I can always listen to You and that Your love is the guiding principle of my thoughts and actions. You freed me; I do not want to be under the thumb of the law again, even if it is so good and tempting. I want to live in You, my beloved Lord!