The Light – 2015.03.17
What came into being
through the Word was life,
and the life was the light for all people.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.
The true light that shines on all people
was coming into the world.
The light was in the world,
and the world came into being through the light,
but the world didn’t recognize the light.
The light came to his own people,
and his own people didn’t welcome him.
But those who did welcome him,
those who believed in his name,
he authorized to become God’s children!
John 1: 4-5; 9-12
Jesus is the one who created the world. He said, Let there be light! – And there was light in creation. He created day and night, light and darkness, sun and moon. All things were made by Him.
But the people chose the darkness, no one should see their deeds. There Jesus came to earth as a man, He came to His people. But the world did not accept Him and His people crucified Him. And yet His love and longing remained unchangable to us humans: All who received Him in their heart, He made to children of God. He is the God who loves His children!
He wants it today as it was then: Light! Yes, it should be light in our lives, in our hearts, in our church and in our people! Today as it was then He is looking for people who can be enlightened by Him and shine His light into the world. He is the Savior and wants to prove himself as a savior. He is our hope where once reigned hopelessness. He is light where we lived in darkness.
He wants to clean anyone who wants to be light. This is not always very pleasant, but it does not work differently. He wants to free the churches of their hypocrisy and power, so they can be light and hope. He wants to purify His people, so that His light shines clearly again. And He wants to visit our people and give hope and liberation. He is king – Do we want to oppose Him and stop His light? Better we let ourselves purify and let us fill again with His light, hope and strength!
Yes, Jesus, we want to give ourselves to You again. You are our king, and we do not want to follow our own ideas and plans, but You. You are the light! Please, purify us and sanctify us for You. Please, first work in us and then in the world! For I am Yours!Bible reading today: 1 Peter