The Lord, my Healer — 2016.01.13
For I am the Lord who heals you.
Exodus 15: 26
Actually one should say "Savior" not Healer as salvation is more than being healthy. Salvation includes physical and mental health. God wants to heal totally. However, we rarely see in these days healing miracles when we pray for that. They are more the exceptions.
The above mentioned message is bound to conditions which have to be fulfilled by us before God can make come true His promises.
"If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His eyes, if you pay attention to His commands and keep all His decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord who heals you."
Some people now try to strictly keep all commands, however without success as they do it in a bitter, stern and dogmatic way. They violate one of the first commandments: Be joyful!
It seems to me, they did not have read the beginning of the verse: If you listen to the voice of the Lord your God….
This demands a close relationship with the Lord. We seek Him in prayer, in silence, and in His word. We put Him questions, we talk to Him, and thank Him which we are allowed to do in Jesus name. We want to be like Him, need the Holy Spirit for that in order to be transformed in His image. Once being one with Him in His heart we are healthy in body and soul.
Sometimes God uses illness, weakness and suffering to shape us. Paul had a thorn in the flesh whatever that means. He suffered from illnesses and weaknesses. Yet he commented: They are there so that I will not become presumptuous but only rely on His power. For Jesus health is not the most important thing. It is the relationship to the Father, the salvation. Once being saved He can heal everything else. He is our Healer who intervenes when limits are exceeded.
He often healed me through prayers. And still I have health problems. I can stand them for I know He loves me, cares for me and my body and will heal me at His time. So I can live without great anxieties, am instead joyful and free in Him. I am looking forward to His return when He will build His kingdom. There will then be no illness, no death anymore.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your care. It is so wonderful how You deal with me. Yes, I can put myself in Your Hands inclusive my health. I thank You, that you are there today, and that I can go with You. You are my Lord who heals me.
Bible reading today – 1 Corinthians 11: 1-16
We are looking for someone that could translate this devotions 1-3 times a week. If you are interested please contact frank.lietuva