The Lord takes care – 2014.10.19

The Lord takes care – 2014.10.19

Know this: the Lord takes
personal care of the faithful.
The Lord will hear me
when I cry out to him.
Psalms 4:3
Although – or perhaps better: Just because King David had so much trouble, he could say this verse above: The Lord takes personal care of the faithful! He experienced great difficulty and great help. The Lord answered him, when he calls for Him.
The more I am relying on Him, the more I see how He acts and things regulate themselves. If I myself take care of everything, I have to solve all the problems myself. It’s very tiring and not always successful. But if I leave everything to Him and just rely on Him, He handles so much! I can discuss my problems with Him and then goon working with peace in my heart. For He is there, standing by my side!
Sometimes He helped me because of my begging, but I did not recognize it. I was so involved in my problems that I did not even notice! Only later I realized: He had helped me and I did not even say thank you! It depends very much on what we see and where we look and what thoughts we have. Some may not realize the wonderful ways of the Lord, since they are too busy or have a "random thinking" (lucky circumstances have helped, not God). It is a shame when we lose sight of the LORD! It’s very liberating when we have Him in mind and always recognize His wonderful ways and works. This makes us and our faith strong! Then we can sing:
But let all who take refuge in you celebrate.
Let them sing out loud forever!
Protect them
so that all who love your name
can rejoice in you.
Because you, Lord, bless the righteous.
You cover them with favor like a shield.
Psalms 5:11f
Thank you, Jesus, You’re with me! I am not alone in this, but You surround me, help me, give me courage and act wonderfully. Like under a shield I am safe and secure by Your great mercy. How wonderful that You yourself take care of me! Yes, You are my Good Shepherd!

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