The Lord`s rights work with power  –  2020.09.20

The Lord`s rights work with power  –  2020.09.20

Shouts of joy and victory
resounds in the tents of the righteous;
the Lord`s right hand has done mighty things.
Psalms 118:15

We know it for sure, our Lord ist the King of kings, the most powerful Force in the universe, Master of everything. And yet we see that a lot does not go according to His will what we have to endure and what sometimes wants to make us discouraged. It often seems as if the enemy remains victorious.
But when we experience a victory in the name of Jesus the jubilation is great. Then we sing and dance with great joy and shout: Our Lord is powerful, He has defeated the enemy!
But we not always can do that, there is still something missing! Why? Constant prayers are the key to victory! Where we stopp praying, there cannot be victory! And victory will not be either if we pray egoistically only for our own purposes. Lord, give me this and that! Lord, heal me, I am so depressed. Please save my family, I want do everything for You!
Only when we first become one with Jesus, call His name with all of our heart, if we see the things with His eyes we are able to pray effectively. Then the love of God reigns in us and our prayers are heard by Him.
But an effective prayer costs something. You have to invest all time, power and trust!  Nothing may distract you. With your concern you remain in great discipline aligned to God. Praying in tongues is a great help thereby. Even when I am lacking words I can continue praying in this way. The Holy Spirit then represents me and speaks as it pleases God. When I pray in tongues for people then always happens something good.
When our Gabriel was in a coma after the accident, our prayers saved him, brought him back to life. Now we pray for Andrius who is presently in coma after 2 brain operations and needs ventilation. I am sure, the death is defeated after we have prayed. Today his arms were already moving. The  doctors confirmed that there has been a slight improvement. Hallelujah! There is jubilation in the tents of the righteous! We will continue praying that he will breathe himself again.and that he will get back on his feet quickly. God likes to heal. Please join the crowd of prayers!

Thank You, Jesus, You hear my prayer! How wonderful! Thank You, Andrius is doing a little better. Thanks for taking care of him as You take care of all suffering. I am so grateful!

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