The Open Heaven – 2015.11.15
But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Look, He said, I see heaven open, and the Sun of Man standing at the right hand of God.
Acts 7:55f
Stephen was the first who was killed as a follower of Jesus. He was the first martyr. Yet, when he died he was not alone. Jesus was with him.
So many Christians had been killed, persecuted and arrested because they loved Jesus. So many suffered disadvantages for Jesus. And still today people here are smiling at them and denying them. In Korea still many Christians disappear in prisons, camps, and torture rooms – many of them are never seen again. In the world of Moslems the persecution of Christians is severely increasing and some of them are convinced that they do God a favor when they kill Christians. In the dark days of Communism the camps were full of Christians. Persecution of Christians took place not only in the Roman Empire but are also real today.
The Christians are giving their life not for a theology, or for a theory, or doctrine. They live and die for their Lord Jesus. He is No. 1 for them. They know Him, love Him, and are loyal to Him.
However facing death one can possibly be weak and prefer rather to forget Jesus than to die. Therefore Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit who should fill us totally. We read about Stephen in Acts 6:15 "All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like a face of an angel."
The face of Stephen, filled with the glory of God, shone like a face of an angel. In midst of turmoil of hate and ravage he was totally covered by the presence of God, remained calm, and rested in piece. When the stones had been thrown toward him he saw the heaven open and Jesus standing at the Throne. Jesus was not looking unconcerned but suffers with him.
According to the Book of Revelation the martyrs had been taken away from earth by God. As He had been at their side when they were killed it was not a disaster for them. Jesus himself held their hands and filled them with peace and glory. He covered and protected them. He took them with Him. Now they are in the glory of God. He heals all wounds, wipes the tears from the eyes. Now they are filled with joy and praise God with all their heart, with all power and all soul. Hallelujah, God never leaves us alone!
Thank You, Jesus, You are true to me! Even in my darkest hour You will be there and carry me through, lead me to Your Throne. I can entrust You my life, You keep Your word!
Bible reading today – Proverbs 28: 1-28