The Power of Prayer – 11.11.2015
And the Lord said to Moses: "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."
Exodus 33: 17
Yes, what is right for Moses is right for me too. For I have found His grace and He knows me by my name.
Yea, what power is in this word! Nothing is impossible anymore! For the sake of Moses God does what Moses wants. He did it as He loved him and because Moses was so loyal to Him.
That is the key for successful prayers. I have read quite a lot of books about prayer and about effective strategies of prayer. However, it is so simple: As God and Moses were one in heart, God could entrust him all. Moses trust His Lord and knows that everything is grace. He can give nothing, cannot pay for anything, he only can pray and ask for Gods grace and mercy.
s Throne without fear and speak to Him openly. How wonderful! We need not to hide ourselves!
Some people pray as if they would have rights and claims with God. Mostly they are noisy and not very grateful. God is not listening to them. He hears the prayers of the weak who cry for mercy. Wonderful that God knows all their names. He sees and hears everything, each word, all thoughts. He really cares for them. And as He loved them He is hearing their prayers.
When these "little ones" are one with God and obey Him, they will pray as God likes it. They will not look after their own interest as they know God is watching over them. They lift their heads to pray for other people and nations. As prayer warriors they will be a blessing for them with the love and mercy of God. God likes to listen to them.
Moses had still had had another wish which refers to himself. The Lord declined it. He met his wish only partly. He is still Lord. Sometimes He does not answer because it is to our disadvantage. However, when we are one with Jesus, we can come before God
Thank you, Jesus, You have prepared the way to the Father. Now I can come to You with all my prayers and concerns. For He has mercy on me and knows my name. Yes, Lord, let us run together!
Bible readings today – Proverb 24: 1-34