The price is high! – 2020.05.06
A man came up to Jesus and asked:
“Master, what good thing I must do to get eternal life?”
Matthew 19:16
The answer of Jesus was: Keep the commandments! The man was initially of the opinion that he followed them all. But Jesus then said to him: “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give them to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me. The young man went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Yes, it is so easy to miss the entry of the kingdom of heaven. He was so near to it but the price was too high for him. Too bad for him, what a desaster! I wonder whether he later found the courage to take this step, to follow Jesus. We do not know that. But we know our own decision for or against the kingdom of heaven.
There is a great longing in us to achieve something precious. We also want to aquire heaven. We want to be good, want to do everything right, be pious, do religious exercises. pray, read the bible, attend church services, take part in Christian meetings … . What else I can do??
The church does a lot, offers many traditional ways to us that we become better christians. There are many rules and laws to be observed. With many saints one has to deal. But deep in the heart of men there is still a great uncertainty whether they are loved by God. Are they really children of God? What has still to be done, to get to heaven? Have I to spend more money?
This thinking, which is deeply grounded in us, is pure paganism. It has nothing to do with the true gospel.
Jesus does not want something, good intentions, He wants everything, our heart, a true touch! Therefore He asked the young man to sell everything and to follow Him. Jesus should be the center of his life, his Lord who went through the realm of death, paved the way for us to the Father. Jesus has rolled the thick guilt stone aside, took the punishment for our guilt, so that we can follow Him. He is risen and is now sitting on the Father`s right that we too will rise and be with the Father.
Jesus is the only way to the Father and we follow Him. But it costs something: everything, our life that totally belongs to God. Only good works, own efforts, mere religion, do not bring salvation. God wants our hearts, He wants all!
Thank You, Jesus, You are the way to the Father. I am totally bound to You that with Your help I will reach the goal. You gave me all, I belong to You. Amen!