The Quiet Room – 2016.05.13
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Matthew 6,6
There are people who enjoy praying loudly and publicly. Perhaps they feel left out when they are not asked to say grace, or to lead in prayer. For them it seems to be a matter of authority. This is not what God wants. He wants us to be humble.
In order not to be tempted to see our prayer and other religious activities as proof of our great spirituality and holiness, God wants us to pray in our quiet room. There is no need for others to see us praying. What for?
These are hours of silent dialogue, hours of communion and times to pour our hearts out. It is not a monologue, but rather a face-to-face with a palpable presence. He entrusts His thoughts to our hearts, so that we are able to feel God’s wishes. He comforts, encourages, grants us confidence and joy. In this way we become fit for a life of witness for our beloved Lord.
In silence God puts a small thought into our hearts, similar to a tiny water droplet. But He keeps adding small droplets, until we start noticing it ourselves. Yes, something starts to grow in this silence, even unknown to ourselves. But when this thought grows, it becomes impossible to push it aside;- the droplet has become a small puddle. We begin talking to Him about it, and He reveals His plan more and more. Slowly we realise that God wants to create something new;- we are free to stifle it at any time, stop talking about it. But that also means ending our relationship with Him. So we debate and explain to God why His plan cannot work, and especially why we are not the right person for the job. But He has patience, as if he cannot even hear us. Slowly our resistance fades and we agree, because it is God’s plan. And then we begin turning His thought into reality: the droplet has become a life-giving stream.
So it is with visions that God places in our hearts for them to become reality! They start off as inconspicuous droplets and end up as great rivers. Because the vision is His, and He will make sure that we make it.
A life without vision is like a life without hope;- cold, devoid of passion, drifting, despondent, bleak… simply boring. Rather wait in silence for God to give you a living vision, and then wait in prayer until the droplet is big enough. And then trust Him to bring it to fruition.
Thank You, Heavenly Father! You speak to me, when I am alone with You. You form and change me. You give me good thoughts and ideas. Help me to be careful with this small "droplet"! Help me to bring Your thoughts and visions to fruition! I cannot do it on my own!
Bible study for today: Thessalonians 1,1-10