The Salt of the Earth – 2017.02.12
You are the salt of the earth…
You are th light of the world.
A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matth. 5: 13f
Above words which Jesus are proclaiming are simple statements, wonderful declarations that need not to be questioned. No orders, no commandments only a fact!
As soon as He is living in us we are separated from the world. The darkness, the dominion of the enemy hates the Light. However we are safe in Him which is feared by the evil. Therefore the people around us regard us as strange holy ones, as foreigners, or something like that. They try to prove their suspicion by checking our behaviour. They twist some of our utterances to talk against us. We can do want we want they always will find something against us. Irrespective of that we will stick to the words of Jesus.
There happen many things around us with which we do not agree and to which we clearly point without being a moral apostle: We have our clear Christian position towards Gender Sex Agenda which allows anything what is pleasing and totally ignore the traditional Christian rules of family. Live it and try everything! Man, I cannot hear it anymore, such stupid things! However, who is opposing that will encounter the anger of the blind people living in the mainstream.
The modern liberal attitude is scientifically verified so they can freely live as they like without scruple. In Roman 1: 24,26,28 Paul says: Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts…, because of this God gave them over to shameful lusts…, furthermore,just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
Whe want to think, to love, be pure like Jesus! We abstain from dirty thoughts, from seing sexual films, from adultery. We as a church striving for purity with Jesus in our midst will not tolerate that.
Jesus lives in us! Only with Him we are able to withstand and overcome all temptations. He leads us. Only if we listen to Him and instantly obey we will not run into trouble. He strengthens us when we cling to Him.It is so comforting to look in the mirrow in the morning with a peaceful conscience.
Let us walk with Jesus! Then we are Salt of the earth, Light of the world, a lighthouse on a mountain. Watch out not to get proud and snooty. Be clinged to Jesus and live with Him closely every day. Then you are safe and salt in the soup.
Thank You, Jesus, that You hold me tight! Thank You that You forgave my sins! Thank You that You humbled me so that I will not condemn other people anymore. I now know Your opinion, Your justness and holiness and I will not be silent anymore. I will be a lighthouse on a mountain for You my Jesus!
Bible reading today – Genesis 21
PS: Jesus forgives all our sins, donates true peace. The Holy Spirit releases us from all bad desires and bondages. He treats us with love and patience so that greatest sinners will become true men and women of God.