“The Spirit of Truth” – 2015.09.31
Jesus says: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever – the Spirit of Truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He will live with you and will be in you.
John 16: 16-17
When Jesus lived here on earth He was for the people a counterpart. He did not live in them, was not so sincerely and inseparably connected to them. If He would have lived on here, maybe He would have been a great church leader who could speak only to a limited number of people personally. It would be difficult to call Him as He always has a lot to do. Sometimes you possibly could get a brief audience with other 100 people. That would not satisfy Jesus! He loves to be very, very close to us people.
For that reason He gives us the Holy Spirit. He calls Him: Succor and Helper, Spirit of Truth. Good, that He is dwelling in us. He can change us. He can remind us of all what Jesus had said. He glorifies Jesus in us. He is the Comforter who encourages the children of God. He shows us the truth, the divine view of things. He gives us the orientation: Jesus Christ. He is so wonderful!
As soon as we come to Jesus through prayer, bible reading, meditation, He begins to work in us. The fruits of the Spirit begin to grow: Joy, piece, gentleness, humility, purity, mercy and much more which we cannot receive in own strength. He gives us gifts of Spirit which we can apply in the community: Prayer language, miracle works, healing of thicknesses, prophecy, and power for many things. He had thought of everything so that we can build here on earth His kingdom of piece. The Spirit of Jesus is a wonderful architect!
The world is not able to receive this Spirit. It does not know Him and does not see Him. It wish to have Him well, has a longing for this divine peace, however, he will not find same. We have to tell them! We want to be a guide for them to show them the way to the grace of God. We do not want to proclaim high teachings, only Jesus Himselves!
If we do not have this piece in us we are missing something: Sin, darkness, wishes had separated us from Him. Let us come again to the Lord, and seek Him with all our heart. He has to be Master of our live totally! Then He will dwell in our heart again.
Thank you, Jesus, You sent us Your Spirit! Now I may be in contact with You for ever! I can talk to you always. You hear me. You can talk to me, give advises, comfort and encourage me. You are wonderful!
Jesus, sometimes I lose the peace. Please forgive when I chase after other goals, or if I make compromises with the world. I will belong to You again fully. Please come and make me pure and holy.
Bible reading – Psalm 141: 1-10