The Temple of God  –  2020.11.26

The Temple of God  –  2020.11.26

Jesus says:
My house shall be a house of prayer. But you have turned it into a den of robbers.
Luke 19, 46

Jesus is in the temple and sees the merchants and how they do good business; and He sees the money lenders, who have fat wallets and piles of money. This angers Him, and He throws over all the tables filled with different products, takes a whip and drives the merchants out of the temple. The temple is holy, it is a house of prayer, and not there for conducting business. The bad things happening are terrible, even if there are quite practical and understandable reasons for it!
Jesus would have loved to cleanse the temple of all religious baubles, of the fanatic law driven faith, of the fanatical scribes and proud pious people. But this was not possible, because with the whip you certainly cannot convince anybody of the gospel.
HE has another way: HE comes into our hearts and takes it as His temple. Purity and holiness shall reign there. All the old things, all garbage, all dirt must go out. All bad thoughts like envy and jealousy, pride and greed must disappear before Him. All old sins are forgiven and forgotten. Everything will be made new! Light and peace, love and mercy fill the temple of the heart. Jesus’ presence can be felt. Hope arises, joy breaks its way and peace has no end.
If Jesus is LORD in  the temple that is our heart, let us take care that it does not become polluted again! Let us rather live to the glory of Jesus, and not chase after useless things. With Him caring for us, fear and worry have no place in our hearts.
Praise be to the LORD who comes and reigns mightily! To Him I will belong, HE shall be my king! For HE is worthy that I should dedicate my life to Him.

Thank You Jesus, that You dwell in my heart. Thank You, You bring light into the darkness, hope into the night, joy into the grey everyday life, peace where there is conflict. Thank You, You shall reign in my heart! Amen!!!

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