The temptation of wealth – 2017.02.25

The temptation of wealth – 2017.02.25

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. … The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.  And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.  If you worship me, it will all be yours.”
Luke 4: 1.2.5-7

The devil apparently really owned all the kingdoms and all the wealth in the world. Jesus did not contradict him. Only He would certainly not kneel and worship the devil. Because only before the Lord, God alone, one must kneel and worship.
This temptation with wealth, success, prosperity and health takes probably every Christian. Who does not want to be forever healthy? Have a successful career? Wealth and luxury? Travel as you please? And unfortunately, there are Christians who fall for it and provide for wealth and another soul. The center of their thinking and beliefs gradually shifts, occurs instead of to Jesus but to success. Even great evangelists have succumbed to this temptation. Their thinking is money, money, money, and not Jesus. Jesus is only used to make money.
There is also this Lord-bless-me-Christians. Do not think so much to follow Jesus, but the fact that the Lord will bless them. At work, in marriage, in the hobby …. in all the way the Lord is used to bless these things. He has so much patience, but He would rather that they begin to look for the source and drink clear water instead of the poison of temptations. These Christians are restless in themselves and think that through more money, more success, more health they can combat the unrest. They are driven to succeed … Blessed is the resting place of Jesus’ heart!
Jesus is the only wise and correct answer to the temptation: “Thou shalt love the Lord, your God, worship Him alone”. Yes, in gratitude is power. In our turning toward God, we get the opportunity to be free and are thankful to live full of peace, happiness and harmony; – Money alone does not bring this blessing. We are to follow Jesus, walk in His ways. And the way of Jesus does not mean success at any cost. Jesus could serve. He could endure hardship. He was sometimes sick and weak (cf. Isa. 53). He was mocked and jeered. His friend, who ate with the bread together with Him, has betrayed him. Outwardly the life of Jesus was not a success. And yet, God was very, very pleased with Jesus, so that He took him to heaven, and gave Him the place at his right hand.
We want to be rather like Jesus !!! – And trust that God cares for us like a father. Then it will really go well for us.
Thank Heavenly Father, that You worry for me! I do not need to worry and stressfully chase success. I need not adjust and pretend … I have Jesus, the Savior who redeemed me and continually rescues. Thank you, Father, I am your child.
Bible Reading Today:
Genesis 32

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